The Network
The My Conscience, My Choice Network

The Vegan Nest
Victor and Nicole Broushet

The Vegan Nest grew organically from two vegans who met in the Meatpacking district of Manhattan, New York, fell in love and married. Over the years, our shared interest in animal welfare, clean eating and natural living has evolved into a passion for preparing savory, mouthwatering vegan dishes and deliciously sweet desserts as well as a passion for doing our part to contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment for all. In addition to our core catering business, our new venture is looking to change the face the most popular hot beverage around the world, through the nationwide distribution of our mōCa, made from the maya nut, as an alternative to coffee.
The Vegan Nest began as a simple desire to nurture our growing family with a wholesome, natural and holistic perspective while encouraging principles of spiritual leadership, good health and kindness. At the heart of our business, family is the core of our vision. We teach the same principals that we practice in our business to our four young children:
- Our moral responsibility to be faithful stewards of the Earth
- Striving for harmony between the mind, body and spirit
- Kindness, compassion and respect
- The profound health benefits of an organic, plant-based Vegan diet
- A predominantly natural lifestyle free of toxins, chemicals and synthetics
- Holistic Wellness
- Sustainability
We support sourcing from organic farms, local business people and socially responsible companies. Consistent with these principals, the Capomo seeds used for our mōCa are wild harvested and non-GMO; they are grown with Fair Trade standards and reforestation is guaranteed, among other requisites. They have been handled by indigenous women that source the seeds to create sustainable businesses for themselves and dedicate themselves to the reforestation of the maya nut trees in their countries. All Capomo seeds are not created equal and the seeds used for mōCa are MAYANUT Institute Certified, meaning the seeds mōCa’s Capomo is sustainably grown in abundance, and use of it as a commodity provides land labor and economic benefits to the people of regions in Latin America, Central America, Carribean Island countries and a few other locales where it is grown.