The Hub of Clean Living
“The Hub of Clean Living” (formerly “Edible Facial) is a blog run by Sarita Coren, dubbed the “Godmother of Green Beauty” by industry insiders. Her popular blog provides a wealth of knowledge about clean products, wellness and mindful living. Information on the blog focuses on three areas: posts about the latest clean product discoveries (“beautify”), insights into living with spirit and heart, from parenting trials to health tips (“nourish”) and updates about giveaways and events (“happenings”). You can also shop her Instagram pics, search her clean shopping guide and look up healers, green make up artists and estheticians in her curated directory.
According to Sarita, “The inspiration for The Hub stemmed from my desire to expand beyond my former blog, edible facial, and take the conversation about clean living even further. The need is so clear now—to create a community of outside-the-box leaders who are passionate about clean living in all its many manifestations, and to spearhead a movement with heart. Hence—the Hub which is defined as the core, the essence, the heart. Without heart, a path is simply a path, says Carlos Castaneda, and I wholeheartedly agree.”
More about Sarita Coren: Sarita Coren is a licensed social worker and holistic mom of five with more than 20 years of experience in the health and wellness field. When she’s not capturing green beauty products on her popular Instagram account, you’ll find her connecting industry tastemakers, consulting indie brands on social media and PR, offering small brands her photography services, and writing about all things healthy-living for Epoch Times, Natural News blog, GreenMedInfo, Wish Garden Herbs blog, and Hip & Healthy UK. She served on a panel of green beauty experts for KIWI Magazine’s 2015 Natural Beauty Awards. StyleCaster featured her tips and tricks to taking the perfect IG-ready beauty product shot and StyleBistro Associate Editor Kristina Rodulfo highlighted her as one of five green beauty accounts to follow on Instagram.