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As you head to your next baseball game or other stadium-based event, why not stash* an alternative treat that tastes reminiscent of the familiar popular snack of molasses-covered popcorn and peanuts but with a natural, artisan twist? The reinterpretation of this American staple consists of organic, non-GMO popped corn and puffed brown rice, and gets its crunchiness from thick almond slivers with seeds of pumpkin, sesame and sunflower. All these ingredients are then covered in organic oil, seasoned with sea salt and lightly sweetened with agave. In a world where going to commercial event venues mean there will be a guaranteed saturation of processed food options, now you can feel good about keeping up tradition with a better, natural alternative. And, even though there is no novelty item in each snack bag like the boxed version has (suggest doling out some eco-kitchy items for the kids), the prize will be that you will feel both satisfied and heathier after consumption!
*in the requisite clear approved baggie or bag compliant with U.S. stadium rules, if applicable, of course!
MaggieBell Naturals™ Pop Loco photo: courtesy Vegan Cuts
The Original Cracker Jack® Brand Caramel Coated Popcorn and Peanuts photo: source Candy Favorites
▪ Organic, non-GMO ingredients
▪ No animal-derived ingredients
▪ Free of wheat, soy, dairy
▪ No refined sugars
▪ No transfats
▪ No preservatives
▪ The brand practices sustainable operations (paperless office practices, using recycled/compostable materials and hybrid/bicycle delivery vehicles whenever possible)
▪ The brand supports local community farming practices
▪ Gluten-Free
▪ The brand is partnered with companies and causes that are committed to animal-friendly and environmentally sustainable practices.
Local Retailers (select):
- People's Food Co-Op (select locations, call ahead for availability)
- Whole Foods Market (select locations, mostly on West Coast, call ahead for availability)
Online Retailers (select):
- Vegan Cuts (check for periodic discount offerings)
- For a full list of locally-based retailers go the the MaggieBell Naturals website and click "where to find us" for a pop up graphic. Note that many retailers are based in Oregon, where MaggieBell Naturals is headquartered. Please email MaggieBell Naturals if you'd like to inquire about distribution in your area.