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Karmalades is proud to be a Company with a Conscience at My Conscience, My Choice.
This household product serves as a perfect example to debunk the myth about a lack of suitable eco-friendly alternatives to familiar best-in-class cleaning agents. Ironically, this concentrated natural and cruelty-free scrubbing cleanser is dubbed appropriately as a “soufflé” since it has a unique creamy-powdery consistency and is offered in an array of feel-good pampering aromas. This is interesting in itself, but becomes more notable since in its most pleasant form it rivals the familiar household cleaning staple featured. The scrub is made with non-toxic biodegradable ingredients and the result of the founder experimenting with recipes in her kitchen. It proves strong enough to clean and polish the inside of your oven and bathroom tiles yet is gentle enough for use on an induction range and fine counter tops (related case study: it’s been known to take off crayons from silestone based on recent toddler experimentation!) and can also be used for granite and stainless steel. After initially applying and wiping, as with any scrub, if you see any residue, don’t be afraid to wipe again to reveal more sheen and sparkle, which this scrub will deliver. Just wipe down repeatedly until you obtain your desired reflective surface.
Suggested tip: keep a pre-wetted, wood handled eco-friendly hardware sponge on hand to apply the product to tiles, induction or stove range tops, and for the crevices of an oven door. Otherwise, a regular dual-sided scrubbing sponge or cloth works well (with a bit of muscle to remove stubborn oven stains, for example). The scrub is highly concentrated so you will get maximum use from each application. And aside from household appliance, glass and tile cleaning, the uses don’t stop there – this scrub also suitable for cleaning silver jewelry. The product is packaged in either 12 oz or 24 oz eco-conscious glass jars versus plastic. It is this packaging, reminiscent of marmalade jars, combined with the message of “good karma” for cleaning that lends to the brand name. So, consider the versatility of this product for polishing all things household, and please don’t continue to assume that to clean an oven you must deal with noxious fumes and toxic cleaners. With scented* scrubs such as lavender sugar cookie, coconut macaroon, almond butter and lemon meringue you may even forget to take your head out.
*unscented option is also available
Editor’s note: Other than being partial to the tagline, “Cleaners with a Conscience” of this brand, this product also fills a special void since the search was out for a high performing, eco-friendly and cruelty-free scrub and tile cleaning product since it was one of the first requested alternatives from visitors when this site launched last year.
Soft Scrub® Lemon Cleanser photo: source Amazon
Karmalades Lemon Meringue Scrubbing Soufflé Soft Scrub Cleaner photo: source Karmalades via Etsy
- Cruelty-free
- Non toxic, all-natural, biodegradable ingredients (sulfate-free, bleach-free)
- Eco-friendly packaging