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Back to school means back to germs! These cruelty-free, eco-friendly, natural-based hand sanitizing wipes are gentle on your skin and contain no harsh chemicals, eliminating germs naturally. Using Thymol as the active ingredient, sanitation occurs based on the Ingenium™ technology, a patented, all-natural formula of essential plant oils harnessing the natural antiseptic power of thyme. Essential for use while on the go, these wipes ensure that you are dirt and germ free yet are spared of any sticky residue. Importantly, the moisturizing, hypo-allergenic formula is suitable for sensitive skin and also gentle enough for tiny toddler hands; the formula is non-toxic as well. Stay tuned for our recommendations of additional products that rely on the Ingenium technology from this brand and others (look for “CleanWell Inside™ “).
Photo of Wet Ones® Antibacterial Hand Wipes : © 2012 My Conscience, My Choice LLC
Photo of Clean Well™ All-Natural Hand Sanitizing Wipes: © 2012 My Conscience, My Choice LLC
CleanWell and Ingenium name and logos are trademarks
©2007 CleanWell Company
· Contains no harsh chemicals (free of triclosan, benzalkonium chloride, alcohol)
· Active ingredient is eco-friendly, natural, plant-based
· Cruelty-free product with vegan ingredients
· Sustainable solution to combat germs without posing threat of antibiotic cross resistance
· Recyclable packaging and biodegradable wipes
· Manufactured in the U.S. with sustainable ingredients sourced worldwide