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Being safe during the winter weather may trump all else but there’s little reason not to use a non-toxic, non-invasive product that is highly effective to remove ice. This ice melter is the only 100% salt-free version on the market making it safe for pets, children, and vegetation, as well as concrete, brick, asphalt and stone surfaces. Many other ice melters claim to be child, pet and environment “safe” and natural but are just less potent than usual formulas that still contain salts and chlorides – both of which are irritants internally and externally1. The liquid component of this melter, which works up to 19 degrees Fahrenheit, is timed-release to help prevent re-icing for up to three days2. The patented formula has a dual effect of melting the ice instantly while breaking its surface tension, and a proprietary traction agent creates a shield that protects against slipping and a surface that makes the shoveling process easier. So not only is this ice melter safer, but it works more effectively than a traditional rock salt melter. Unlike other products, this melter actually attracts heat but does not give off heat so it is able to utilize solar heat to provide enhanced melting-power during daylight hours. The product is also economical; the unused portion is deemed to have an unlimited shelf life and the pellets are a tinted a non-staining green, making it easy to identify where the product has been spread and minimizing waste during use. And, the concentrated pellets cover a greater area than rock salt. Think differently and skip using the salt melters that come with warnings to wear rubber globes and switch to this pet-, child- and environment-friendly proprietarily engineered melter that recieved the Parent Tested Parent Approved award.
1Pets can suffer discomfort, burns and toxic reactions (dermatitis, inflammation of the paws, and serious gastrointestinal problems including vomiting and internal burns of the mouth and digestive tract) from walking on and ingesting ice melting products that contain harsh chemicals (dogs and cats will often lick their paws after being in contact with salt-based ice melters). Children also can come into contact with salt and salt-based pellets while playing. They may ingest the pellets or more likely get them on their hands and rub their eyes causing irritation.
2As with all melters, you must remove the melted slush (in this case monitor within three days) or it will refreeze.
Road Runner Ice Melt photo:
Safe Paw™ Ice Melter photo:
(Note that this alternative was originally published on 2/6/13 and has since been updated.)
- Non-toxic
- Non-corrosive
- Recyclable plastic packaging
- Manufactured in the U.S.