The Network

The My Conscience, My Choice Network


We are:
Company Founder

Janis Covey

Kosmatology began when Janis’ daughter developed eczema at 3 months old. Since Janis was a compounding pharmacist she knew the risks associated with long term steroid use and was determined to treat her daughter’s eczema naturally. Using her years of compounding knowledge, she developed what is now our Goody-Goody Grapefruit lotion bar. Janis’ daughter has been eczema free since using this product. From there, Janis went on to develop a safe, affordable and organic skincare line for the entire family.

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The Choice App

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Discover the first app making it easy to switch to and buy products that are better for you, the environment and animals. Products that you can feel good about and, importantly, are leaders in their category.

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