The Network

The My Conscience, My Choice Network

Kid Licks Inc.

We are:
Company Founder

Audrey Amara and Josh

KidLicks has an impressive story which highlights the circumstances which led to the creation of this company. Josh and Amara, like a lot of other parents, faced the problem of their kids eating gross things(food off the floor, sand at the beach etc). While Josh and Amara did start getting used to these parental troubles, they assumed responsibility to make sure that the stuff the kids were getting was safe. In their own words, “Since we weren’t able to find a food based nail polish anywhere on the market, we decided to make one the way we would want it to be made, with a full list of ingredients and nothing in it that doesn’t belong in our kids’ bellies, because that’s where it could very well end up.”

In their own words, “Since we weren’t able to find a food based nail polish anywhere on the market, we decided to make one the way we would want it to be made, with a full list of ingredients and nothing in it that doesn’t belong in our kids’ bellies, because that’s where it could very well end up.” Henceforth,  came KidLicks, a company which specializes in making edible nail polishes.

Founder of Kid Licks

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