The Network

The My Conscience, My Choice Network

Essence of Vali

We are:
Company Founder

Valerie Bennis

Company Founder - Valerie Bennis

We launched our line in 2000 after I resigned from my executive position at a large advertising agency in NYC. I studied plant essences and received my certification as an aromatherapist over a four year period. During this time, I had private clients who came to me for one on one consultations and I learned about the common conditions that people deal with on a daily basis. The Essence of Vali line grew out of these consultations.

Essence of Vali has won awards for their blends and has been mentioned in three books on natural products. I am personally gratified by the stories that I hear from people that use our formulas. My passion continues to be in the area of natural healing for health, beauty and well being. I love inspiring people to take impeccable care of themselves in order to age gracefully and happily.

All my best,

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