The simplest resource for eco-friendly, cruelty-free, and natural product alternatives.
Featured Product

- Sustainably sourced Capomo (maya nut); MAYANUT Institute certified
- No sweeteners
- No preservatives
- No stabilizers or additives
- No animal-derived ingredients
- Recyclable packaging
- NYC: Local brand
- Energizes without the side effects of caffeine
- Packed with antioxidants
- Safe to drink during pregnancy and nursing
Looking forward to getting back into your routine now that summer is over? Yes, we thought not. At least 60% of Americans report being dependent on their morning coffee to enable a jumpstart to their morning (or afternoon), with that number […]
The Network
A curated network of pioneering and established brand leaders with leading products and services
Be a part of the growing network of like-minded, pioneering brands and organizations that are making a difference. Showcase your backstory to our interested audience. List your brand or create opportunities to connect with other brands via, Founder, Dory Kurowski. See more, below.

These are the pioneering brands making a difference with leading products that are produced with a conscience. Discover curated breakthrough brands and products that are eco-friendly, clean-ingredient, and/or cruelty-free.

Be a part of the growing network of pioneering brands and organizations, educating all of us with mindful production and operations. Connect with brands, broaden your consumer reach, share new ideas, get more visibility.

These are retailers, organizations, service providers, and partners making a difference. Discover each our curated relationships that are leading the charge with eco-minded, healthy, fair and compassionate missions.
Marketing with a conscience
We want to help you grow. My Conscience, My Choice was built on the idea of helping like-minded brands and consumers connect. Let us help you gain more visibility for your brand or organization.
Founder, Dory Kurowski
Dory Kurowski is a well-known advocate helping consumers switch to better, more sustainable products. She has been reviewing different eco-friendly and cruelty-free brands for almost 10 years and has become an expert opinion on which mindful products are best to switch to. She relies on other consumers feedback, as well as her own, and is constantly consulting with experts in the green beauty and animal advocacy fields as well as brand owners to verify the authenticity of products and associated claims.

Our Vision
The goal of this website is to help the average consumer make purchases with a good conscience. It is also based on the idea that the average consumer likes their purchasing experience to be quick and easy. We do the leg work for you, to help you find and buy the best products to switch to.

We look at 5 criteria before recommending a product. In addition to evaluating mindful production and use of clean ingredients, the biggest differentiator is that we also try to find products that are easiest to transition to in terms of their expected performance.

“A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmental damaging consumption patterns.”
Maurice Strong